Goals for this week
1 hour walking with Nicole long story; I only did 15 minutes
1 hour body pump class with Sonoma DONE
1 hour zumba DONE
1 hour yoga or pilates DONE
1 hour step aerobics DONE
check saving sites daily (moneysavingmom.com, southernsavers.com, freebieshark.com, swagbucks.com) DONE (well, I did at least every other day, and that’s good enough)
write a new blog post DONE
read and think about chapters 6-13 of Shepherding A Child’s Heart DONE
finish reading Jungle Doctor to Ethan, start new book DONE
catch up on reading friends’ blogs DONE
read the book of Revelation (in preparation for reading The Lamb’s Supper) nope, got through 10 chapters
And here are this week's. But now that I've written them all out, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed...
Goals for this week
1 hour walking with Nicole
1 hour on air climber ??
1 hour zumba
1 hour yoga or pilates
1 hour step aerobics
run 5 miles ??
check saving sites daily (moneysavingmom.com, southernsavers.com, freebieshark.com, swagbucks.com)
write a blog post about Martha
finish Shepherding A Child’s Heart (chapters 14-19)
read chapters 2-8 of Jungle Doctor to Ethan
call Christie, Bridget, Silvina, and Karen to catch up
finish reading the book of Revelation
read 2 chapters of The Lamb’s Supper
read new Bible study chapter
read and do workbook pages for Bible study
do birdseed craft with boys
do painting craft with boys
do this: http://www.couponsavingsclub.com/facebook-couponsavings-campaign&channel=13306&network=10&campaign=iq37&page_position=SCLUB_CJFB&creative=CJBN300X250FB500KB&call_to_action=fb&site=3125087
pay credit card bill
call Verizon: can we make our monthly payment lower?
record last video of home videos!
research Saint Elizabeth
calls stamps.com and get a refund!
research karate or soccer for Ethan
label photographs and put them in the photo album
clean inside and outside of car (well, get Chad to do it)
buy movie tickets for The Hunger Games!!!!
get cash out of the bank on the 1st or after for the next 2 weeks