Sunday, March 18, 2012


Goals from two weeks ago (didn't do this last week)

1 hour walking with Nicole

1 hour on air climber

1 hour zumba

1 hour yoga or pilates

1 hour step aerobics

run 5 miles (okay, this was really ambitious. I did the first two miles without a problem

and even made good time. But the second two miles, I was pushing Benji in the stroller, and I was going up and down hills, both of which make running significantly harder. So I half-ran, half-walked the last two miles, and I will be satisfied with a total of 4 miles ).

check saving sites daily (,,,

write a blog post about Martha

finish Shepherding A Child’s Heart (chapters 14-19)

read chapters 2-8 of Jungle Doctor to Ethan

call Christie, Bridget, Silvina, and Karen to catch up

finish reading the book of Revelation

read 2 chapters of The Lamb’s Supper

read new Bible study chapter

read and do workbook pages for Bible study

do birdseed craft with boys

do painting craft with boys

do this:

pay credit card bill

call Verizon: can we make our monthly payment lower?

record last video of home videos!

research Saint Elizabeth

calls and get a refund!

research karate or soccer for Ethan

label photographs and put them in the photo album

clean inside and outside of car (well, get Chad to do it)

buy movie tickets for The Hunger Games!!!!

get cash out of the bank on the 1st or after for the next 2 weeks

Goals for this week

Dust the house

make bank deposit


donate blood at Ethan’s school

clear desk

record last video of home videos

pay more on credit card

see The Hunger Games with friend Alicia

read new Bible study chapter

read and do workbook pages for Bible study

do birdseed craft with boys

finish reading The Lamb’s Supper

finish listening to The Help on audio (only 3 hours left, and I can barely put it down!)

read chapters 5-8 of Jungle Doctor to Ethan

check saving sites at least every other day (,,

50 mins air climber, 10 mins hula hoop

50 mins circuit training, 10 mins abs

run 4 miles, 10 mins abs

50 mins zumba, 10 mins abs

1 hour yoga or pilates

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Ok, I officially feel like a loser :) Put, "call Bridget" on this week's list too because I want to know how you're fitting in your work-outs. I need to start in a bad way! Also, put "find a way that we can live closer to the Bullios," on that list so that we can start working out together!

4 miles! Wow lady - you go! Are you going to the gym or doing this all from home?