Sunday, July 29, 2012


30 mins jogging?, 5 mins abs (I went with a friend to her gym and did a 45-min spin class … I figure that’s a decent substitute)
30 mins walking, 5 mins abs (one day this week I cleaned for a good 2 hours; I figure that was another decent substitute!)
30 mins zumba, 5 mins abs
30 mins weights, 5 mins abs
try a bar workout?, find one on youtube (well, first of all, I found out it’s spelled “barre” workout, not “bar”). Secondly, I found 5 good-looking videos on youtube and added them onto a playlist. I’ll try them next week. Good enough).
Record last video of home videos (I realize this has been on my list for about 6 months. Well, I tried my darndest to get this done but discovered that I’m more behind than I thought. I had lost of the editing work I’d done, so I redid some of that, and got some of the videos ready to record. But I’ll have to work a lot more on this).
Do one craft with the boys (when I wrote this, I was thinking doing a craft at home, something creative. But on Saturday, we went to “artypants” at the art museum here and they made sculptures. That counts!)
Finish reading In Defense of Food
Read 2 Magic Treehouse books with the boys
Rearrange bedroom
Clean and straighten out back closet
Update jewelry blog with new stuff
Jewelry to Julie and Perry
Get milk kefir grains (?) and start a batch of kefir
30 mins yoga or similar, 5 mins abs

30 mins jogging, 5 mins abs
45 mins barre
45 mins zumba, 5 mins abs
30 mins walking, some yoga (10 mins?)
45 mins weights, 5 mins abs
work on home videos (get through July 2011)
Finish reading Away (Amy Bloom)
Do one craft with the boys
Read 2 Magic Treehouse books with boys, read several board books with Feefs
Update jewelry blog with new stuff
Jewelry to Perry
Get milk kefir grains and start a batch of kefir (still not sure where to get some)
Try these new recipes:

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